
Ocean Conservation Education

and Action Network

get involved

Committed to

uniting educators, researchers, students, and ​communities to make a difference in how the ocean ​waters and its denizens are treated.

conducting on-ground research, educating people, and ​employing sound science to influence policy decisions.

Blue Waves


Sea cucumber protection in

Wildlife Protection Act

Elasmobranch bycatch ​monitoring via citizen science


Marine projects with Ram ​Hattikudur Advanced Training ​in Conservation fellows

Launch of

26 May 2023

conference-cum-workshop for ​educators

workshop for fisherfolk

Ongoing Projects


Unravel mysteries and contribute insights by ​conducting baseline survey of elasmobranch ​landing in Kanyakumari.

An online platform to bring together fisher ​community and science together to document ​elasmobranch landings across India’s coastline


Citizen Science

Fisherfolk collective action for ocean ​conservation

Zoo’s Print Articles Published


Printed manuals in regional language for educators, women-​self-help groups and students of coastal communities of ​southern India (Direct reach 1000, Indirect reach 5000)

Creating a network of ocean educators from around southern ​India

Interactive e-learning platform to spread awareness of the ​magic of the ocean and its inhabitants

Project funded by

Join us

What we need

  • Nominated school teachers should test the material on ​various parameters related to age appropriateness, time ​taken to teach etc.

  • Teachers are expected to provide feedback and give ​constructive criticism to enable the team to refine ​activities and topics complimentary to the subject or ​course curriculum being done at the school.

  • Teachers may nominate students by submitting their ​names to the school administration to make content for ​the platform.

  • Selected students are expected to fulfill deliverables ​within specified timelines.

What you get

  • 1 training workshop for 25 of the most active ​teachers.

  • Credit/ participation certificates to the teachers ​who have helped in refining the content for the ​ocean literacy manual / e-learning platform

  • Free membership for most of the material ​present in the E-learning platform with the ​exception of exclusive content such as expert ​talks

  • Volunteering opportunities for students to ​create content for the e-learning platform and a ​chance to build their portfolios.

We will ensure we work within the schools schedule and NOT overburden YOU



Sudanese Pound Currency Symbol


2021- 2030 United Nations Decade of the ​Ocean Science for Sustainable ​Development

SDG Good Health and Wellbeing
SDG Quality Education
SDG Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG Climate Action
SDG Life Below Water
SDG Partnerships For The Goals